Oral History
A collection of living people’s testimony about their own experiences of Q Station.
The Quarantine Station has had a long and extremely varied history as a site of special significance in Australia. We encourage those who have a connection to the site to share their or their families’ experiences of living and/or working on the site with us, to ensure its ongoing legacy.
What is it?
Oral history is the systematic collection of living people’s testimony about their own experiences. Oral history is not folklore, gossip, hearsay or rumour.
Why is it important?
Q Station is working to redefine the full story of the Quarantine Station which was never thoroughly recorded. The real record of history is found in the lives of the ordinary people who lived it. Collecting, preserving and sharing oral histories not only transmits knowledge from one generation to the next, but allows us a sense of catching and holding something valuable from the receding tide of the Quarantine Station’s past.
How can you be involved?
If you know anyone who may have a connection to the site, please encourage them to contact us and tell their story. Submissions can be accepted by post, online or contact Q Station on 02 9466 1500 or toursdesk@qstation.com.au Each story is invaluable to this project. Submissions may be followed up with a recorded interview, to be kept within the Heritage Collection.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Submit Your Story